Thursday, January 10, 2008

Safe in Pennsylvania

Witchner made it! In the last two weeks he has navigated two really tricky travel spots - Miami International Airport, and the NY Port Authority.

Last nite he got to the Port Authority before 8:00 p.m. and phoned us at about 10:30 p.m. to say that he had found the correct gate for his Greyhound bus departing to Pittsburgh. He arrived in Pittsburgh and phoned us at 6:15 a.m.

By 10:00 a.m (when I next talked to him) he was riding in the car with one of the teachers from Free Gospel Bible Institute who had come to pick him up. He sounded comfortable.

This afternoon I phoned him at 4:00. When he arrived at the school he heard kreyol and lo-and-behold there are 3 other Haitians there. They connected immediately and I'm sure they gave Witchner the low down. He knew the answers to lots of questions:

  • "Yes, I can go home to Haiti on vacation"
  • "Yes, I can use my cell phone at school, but it has to be off during classes."
  • "We DO have internet at the school, but it's only for email."
  • "I need to get a ride if I want to go shopping." (The town is a few miles away; I'm sure his Haitian friends have got it all figured out already. They've been there since August....plenty of time to have learned the ropes.)
He was settling into the dorm room that he shares with two Americans. He hadn't met them yet (I think they were at class). His dorm room has one twin bed and a set of bunk beds. No surprise - he has the top bunk. However, that's where all of the heat will be, up near the ceiling, so that's not a bad thing. He said he hadn't unpacked yet because the other guys had used up most of the space. There's only one closet and one dresser to be shared between three guys. I guess they'll work it out.

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