Thursday, January 3, 2008

From Rice Man to Ice Man

Thanks to Paul, Witchner now has a new nickname. In Haiti we call him RiceMan because he likes his rice sooooo much. Today Paul took him to work with him. It's a frigid day -- 4 degrees Fahrenheit; (-16 ) Celsius. That impressed Witchner! They drove to Litchfield County, Connecticut where Paul had to do some field work and Witchner went out in the field with him. He's a hardy trooper as you can see from the photo! Don't you think he's earned the nickname "Ice Man"???

Before work, we went to breakfast together and Witchner got to participate in our small group where we discussed the incarnational church. Witchner also got to try sausage links and bacon for the first time. We also tried to explain all of the different kinds of eggs that you can order in a restaurant. He ended up ordering scrambled eggs, which are called fried eggs in creole. Try explaining 'sunny side up', 'over easy', and 'over hard''s tricky!

For dinner we had steak "broiled" (new term) and served "rare". Nothing in Haiti is served rare so that was new, also. He likes both A-1 sauce and Worcestershire sauce. So far we've found only one food he didn't care for, and that was hummus.

Tomorrow Witchner may go to work with me. We'll see what the evening brings.

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