Witchner gave a talk about Mustard Seed Haiti at Monday Night Missions Prayer tonight. He spent about 2 days writing a brochure that is inspiring because it tells his own story about how Mustard Seed Haiti came to be. I learned things that I didn't know. Rivenson phoned him from Haiti just before his presentation so that was a nice boost for him.
He has had the really unusual opportunity of meeting and hearing from several missionaries while he's been here - Nate Hull3y and Pascal from the Congo, Chung Ho from Korea, Rose Ih3digbo from Nigeria, David Butl3r who is working in Ghana, and Christ1an Abbott from Mexico. He is learning a lot about the wider world and missionaries from the rest of the world. He's seeing commonalities and getting inspiration from them as well.
Witchner is learning more about his country while he's here also, and we're learning about the need for broader education both for him and for us.
Sunday night was packing night. We managed to fully pack one duffle bag with the stuff that's least likely to wrinkle. We'll do the final packing on Tuesday night. It was a difficult decision for him to decide what to take and what to leave behind. He's not used to having so much to choose from. We settled on putting some of his belongings into a storage bin and he can exchange winter clothes for spring clothes when he comes back at the end of February. It's nice that he'll be back in about 6 weeks; it will give us a chance to re-assess the situation as far as what belongings he does/doesn't need.
We're still trying to figure out his bus transfer at the Port Authority in New York. We've gotten some advice from friends at church and we're trusting that he'll be able to navigate it successfully.
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