When I asked if he wanted rice for dinner, he said no. He said he's changing his diet, so instead we had that good old American stand-by ... hot dogs and baked beans. Doesn't fit in very well with our talk about eating healthy, does it? We've been having talks about nutrition - he likes really, really sweet stuff. He put 8 packets of sugar in a medium sized Dunkin Donuts coffee and said it still wasn't sweet enough.
Tonight, on one of the news alerts that I subscribe to, there was a video about a garment factory in PAP that makes the Disney clothing. The laborers make $2.40 a day. Witchner was very upset, really sad, watching it. He feels so bad for his people; we had a talk at dinner, but I can't begin to know how he's feeling. We prayed a bit and talked some but I'm not sure that I can help much. He said to me "I need to know this." It's clear that there is a lot about his country that he is just beginning to learn.
8:30 p.m. Packing is a challenge -- he can only carry a backpack and two suitcases, each of those can only weight 50 lbs. So far we're not doing too well.
9:00 p.m. Success! One of the Haiti duffel bags did the trick. He's fully loaded and just about ready to go. What you don't see is the backpack with his laptop. He'll need to manage that also.
We never did get around to teaching him about the health insurance we bought for him. Paul will have to do that tomorrow.
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