Monday, December 31, 2007

Snow, Shots, and a Bus Ticket

Witchner's guest status is slowly turning into a member of the household along with the necessary pitching in with chores. Today he shovelled snow, thoroughly enjoying it, and learned to use the snowblower once we'd broken him in with shovelling. Later in the day he learned where our woodpile is and brought in a load for the woodstove.

We visited Dr. Mark where Witchner was given a clean bill of health after Mark gave him two shots. It was comical to see Witchner getting shots after having helped us in the medical clinics in LesCayes. He didn't particularly like them, but who does?

Living in the USA (Day 4)

  • He opened a checking account and learned about ATM machines. As we drove down King Street I pointed out all of the places where you can use an ATM card. I was astounded at how many there are. Then I had to explain "hidden fees".
  • We bought his bus ticket to Pittsburgh and he learned where the luggage goes (under the bus) and was completely surprised to know that there was a bathroom on each bus. "Really??!!"
  • Back at the house I showed him how to use a gas stove - he'd never used on before.
  • We stopped at Downtown Sounds and bought him a penny whistle. Witchner's learning how to play a penny whistle. There were 3 people playing at the New Year's Eve gathering around the fireplace at Nate and Mae's. It will be a great little musical instrument for him to carry around.
  • As we parked at one more metered spot downtown he said in amazement "You have to pay for everything?" He was surprised that we have to pay for parking.

Day 4 - His own blog

It's time to move this interesting diary of the new chapter in Witchner's life to a separate blog. Here interested readers can keep up with what is going on in his life here in the USA.